People on my way to class
Un libro de Carmelo Establier con el apoyo de 40 mecenas
People on my way to class is all in black and white. Aberdeen’s granite stones tones come to life in this pictures, focusing in shape and action by leaving colour aside.
Why did I decide to start this project?

Comentarios de la comunidad
epub, .mobi, .pdf
Tapa blanda
ComprarEstas son las recompensas que ofrecimos durante la campaña:
36 mecenas
Cheap as chips
You'll get a copy of my book in digital format! :D
[ePub, mobi & PDF]
7 mecenas
The beggining of something
You get a copy of the book in paperback!
[Free delivery to EU]
4 mecenas
Two for one
You get a copy both in digital and paperback!
[Free delivery to EU]
1 mecenas
Snapper deal
So... you say that you like photography? Support this reward and get a Gakken Style TLR 35mm camera with an ebook and paperback copy!
[Free delivery to EU]
1 mecenas
Timelord edition
You get a digital copy, a paperback copy, a calendar and numbered limited edition 20x27cm picture!
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1 mecenas
Ye olde professional snapper
Get this reward and get a Olympus 35 camera that I will personally purchase for you,
and, of course, a copy in paperback and digital!
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Size matters
You get my book, both in digital and paperback and a massive 65x80 numbered copy of my work!
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Ye olde snapper
Get this reward and get a unique vintage Kodak Box Camera that I will personally purchase for you. You sure will get my book as well, in digital and paperback.
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Mucho hipster
I've heard that developing chemistry runs in your veins, son. A magnificent Lubitel 2 camera will help you relief all that inner pressure. My books, of course, are included.
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I love you and your work
This reward includes a special edition of my book. Bigger, better, and prettier. I will throw into the deal a unique and massive print (100x75cm-ish) of "People on my way to class" that it is not featured in the book!
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